Besides the fact that owning a miniature golf course or family fun center is highly profitable, it's simply a great business to be in.
Few businesses are as fun and satisfying to own and operate . When your customers arrive, they are filled with anticipation and excited. During play, everyone is enjoying themselves. The overall family atmosphere at a miniature golf course or family fun center is a wonderful working environment.
The business of entertaining people is highly profitable . A well-built course can pay for itself inside the first 1-3 seasons. This is why having a proven market leader like Castle Golf on your side is even more important - your long-term bottom line depends on quality and nothing else. If your facilities are poorly built, they will require constant and expensive maintenance which will eat away your margin.
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Project Gallery
Browse through our project gallery. A show case of past and present miniature golf courses we have built.
Course Design
The design of a course has a direct impact on your costs and profitability...
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